Based Consultation
HOMMs Consulting assists individuals and organizations in their quest to improve infrastructure, capacity and provision of services. HOMMS Consulting provides its clients with a range of research, analysis and planning services that help them to continue building on strengths while creating new programs fully aligned to their mission and vision.
Our services include:
Needs Assessments
Program Design and Planning
Project Action Planning
Mental Health Consultation
Racial Equity and Inclusion Planning
Program Evaluation Design and Implementation
"Community Memorial Health System Department of Graduate Medical Education was very pleased to have Dr. Erica Holmes address our medical residents and faculty on the topics of dealing with discrimination in a medical/educational setting and vicarious trauma in physicians. Dr. Holmes is a knowledgeable and relatable speaker who assesses her audience and engages them quickly. Her presentations have generated valuable discussions on both topics and we often refer back to the tools she gave us. We would be very happy to have her back again soon."
Ronda L. Doonan, PsyD Director of Behavioral Health and Resident Wellbeing – Graduate Medical Education, Community Memorial Health System